SIGN Conference

SIGN conference on Home Grown School Feeding: a multi-stakeholder experience

Reduce hunger and malnutrition.
Increase school enrolment and attendance.
Stimulate local food production.

‘‘Feeding primary school children especially those living in deprived areas with nutritious meals prepared with food items produced by the local farm-community”. This is what has been and still is the major aim of the Ghana School Feeding Programme (GSFP). With the help of the UN Task Force Hunger, NEPAD (African Union, Dutch NGO’s and the Dutch government the GSFP got off to a flying start but encountered great difficulties on the way to living up to its objectives. Nevertheless the programme survived many challenges, including a change of government in 2008. At present the programme reaches nearly 700.000 kindergarten and primary schoolchildren. The GSFP 2011 Annual Operating Plan aims at reaching 1.000.000 children by the end of this year. The relative success of the GSFP and SIGN attracted the attention of PCD (Partnership for Child Development) a UK based organization sponsored in part by the Gates-Foundation, with the objective to enhance Homegrown School feeding Programmes in Sub Saharan Africa (SSA). PCD currently supports five African countries, including Ghana, in implementing government led Home Grown School Feeding Programs.

Handing over

The GSFP has been a unique initiative and SIGN and other strategic partners to the GSFP learned from experience. With a loose and at times turbulent relationship, SIGN has engaged with the GSFP over the years. SIGN played a crucial role in kick starting the GSFP and have remained in a supporting role ever since. Now that the wheels are turning, the GSFP is firmly rooted in Ghana and new strategic partners are supporting the program, SIGN can comfortably withdraw itself from the stage.

SIGN conference: 27th of October 2011: Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The SIGN conference  will provide a platform for handing over all our experiences and lessons learned on multi stakeholder cooperation in support of the GSFP as well as program implementation. The lessons learned can help future initiatives on home grown school feeding in Sub Sahara Africa. Presentations, debates as well as a network and information market will give ample opportunities to learn, meet, greet and inspire.

Leading up to the conference join the debate around HGSF, read an interview with SIGN initiator Hans Eenhoorn or follow our blog on different aspects of the SIGN programme!

Conference sponsors: