- SNV in the Netherlands is one of the founding fathers of SIGN. SNV Ghana is a strategic partner to the GSFP management and supports program implementation nationally. SNV has a joint relationship with the Dutch Embassy and is main contractor of the Social Accountability programme (SAP).
- NCDO, also founding father, has a mandate to involve and inform Dutch citizens, including Diaspora in International Cooperation. The MDGs are thereby a leading principle; the GSFP is an exceptional initiative in support of the MDGs.
- DGIS rendered financial support to the GSFP through the Royal Netherlands Embassy: they committed 40 million euro’s over a four year period (2007-2010)
SIGN (School feeding Initiative Ghana-Netherlands) was set up to support the GSFP. It is SIGNs aim to inform the Dutch public about GSFPs activities and to make a concrete contribution through our platform, varying from sponsoring to the exchange of knowledge and co-operation in Ghana. SIGN stimulates the co-operation between organizations that are working in Ghana. It also facilitates the initiatives of third parties that (want to) support GSFP. In this way, we are working directly towards the realization of the UN’s Millennium Development Goals no. 1: a halving of poverty and hunger in the world by 2015, and no. 2: all children to school.
For more information visit: www.sign-schoolfeeding.org
Platform members:
Independent members:
• Paul Wessels• Hans Eenhoorn
Members that have no logo:
• Council of Ghanaian Chiefs in the Netherlands• Wageningen Ambassadors